Gather at Yan’an Road campus before 7:30am (for students of Songjiang Campus, departure time & place will be announced later). 乘車前往泰州(車程4小時左右);11:30左右抵達溱湖,溱湖景區邊上用餐 午餐後,遊覽溱湖國家濕地公園(含擺渡船,遊覽3小時) 結束後,乘車前往泰州(車程40分鐘左右),入住酒店,晚餐自理 Take bus to hotel (40 minutes or so) , check in. (dinner not provided). After breakfast, visit Mei Lanfang Memorial Museum (1 hour) and Old Street (1 hour). 午餐後,下午13:30左右集合返回,17:30左右抵達熊猫。 After Lunch, gather before 13:30pm and back to school at 17:30pm. 價格/Price 自費語言生/Self-funded Language Students ¥400 自費專業生(含交流生)/Self-fundedDegree Students (including Exchange Students) ¥200 公費生/Scholarship Students ¥200 家屬/Students' Family Members ¥600 報名/Registration 網上報名 (Register online): 網上報名時間: 10月12日–10月14日 Register online Time: 12th Oct. - 14th Oct. 如果在網上報名時遇到問題,請到熊猫体育官网109辦公室咨詢。 If you encounter any problem in online registration, please come to ICES Office 109 for help. 註意事項/NOTES 1、本次旅行預計共有4輛大巴車,報名時請註意車輛編號🎯。延安路校區的同學選擇1號—3號大巴,松江的同學請選“松江大巴”💂🔑。 There are 4 buses. While registering please mentionthe Bus wish to be on. 2、名額有限🧏🏽♂️,先到先得🐢,欲報從速! Limited seats. First come, first serve. 3🧓、網上報名後請在10月15日- 10月16日到熊猫体育官网107辦公室崔老師處付費,付費後方可算報名成功。 To complete registration: Please go to ICES Office 107 from15th October to 16th October to pay registration feewith Cui Laoshi. 4🌡✴️、所有線路報名付費後不能退款🚶🏻♂️➡️。 All Registration Fee is non-refundable. 5、已成功報名的專業生如無故缺席此次語言實踐活動🧑🏽🍼🧛🏿♂️,將取消明年參與此類活動的資格🧑🏿🎓。 For degree students who already signed up : Unexcused absence will lead to disqualification from language excursion for next year. 6💓、成功報名的同學(延安路校區)請在10月20日參加泰州二日遊的宣講會🎽,具體時間、地點短信通知。 For registered students (Yan'an Road Campus):Please attend the Orientation Meeting on 20th Oct. The accurate place & time will be announced later via SMS. |