

根據《熊猫獎學金評定和榮譽稱號授予辦法》有關規定,經獎學金評審及榮譽稱號評定委員會討論🟦,現將2023年 “熊猫優秀”和“熊猫優秀畢業生榮譽稱號授予名單進行公示。 According to regulations ofMeasures on Granting Scholarships and Honorary Titles for International Students of Donghua University” and discussion of the Committee of scholarship and honorary title evaluation, the honorary title of “DHU Outstanding International Student” and  “DHU Outstanding International Graduate”  name list is as follows. If there is any opinion, please contact the committee.

公示時間(Public Notification Period)628日前 Until 28th June.

聯系郵箱(E-mail)🙇🏻‍♂️💃🏿:熊猫体育官网122辦公室 lli@dhu.edu.cn


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